I will be installing Chrome Enterprise via MSI installer into Windows Apps in Endpoint.
Download Link: https://chromeenterprise.google/browser/download/

Make sure file type is MSI.
In Endpoint (https://endpoint.microsoft.com)
On the left, select ‘Apps’ then under ‘By Platform’, select ‘Windows’

Click ‘Add’

From the drop menu, select ‘Line-of-business app’

Then click on ‘Select app package file’

Select the MSI Installer

Click ‘Ok’

Most of these settings are for what displays in the Company Portal for the end user.

Select ‘Add all devices’.
If you have a specific device group that you would like to add. For example, ‘Autopilot Devices’. Then select ‘Add Group’ and select the group you desire.

Review and then select ‘Create’.
It will create the App within Endpoint and then upload your MSI file.