OCR Computer Science GCSE Paper Two – 2.5 Translators and facilities of languages

High-Level Language – The source code is easy for humans to write, but computers need to translate it into machine code before they can read and run it

Low-Level Language – Hard for humans to understand to read and write but easier for a computer to run

High Level LanguageLow Level Language
One instruction of high level code represents many instructions of machine codeOne instruction of assembly code usually only represents one instruction of machine code
The same code will work for many different machines and processorsUsually written for one type of machine or processor. Won’t work on any others
The programmer can easily store data in lots of different structures, for example arraysThe programmers needs to know the internal structure of the CPU and how it manages memory
Code is easy to read, understand and modifyCode is very difficult to read, understand and modify
Must be translated into machine codeCommands in machine code can be executed directly without the need for a translator
You don’t have much control what the CPU actually does so programs will be less memory efficient and slowerYou control exactly what the CPU does and how it uses memory so programs will be more memory efficient and faster. 
Differences between High Level and Low Level Language
Translates all of the source at the same time and creates one executable fileTranslate and runs the source doe one instruction at a time, but doesn’t create an executable file
Only needed once to create a executable fileNeeded every time you want to run the program
Returns a list of errors for the entire program once compiling its completeThe interpreter will return the first error it finds and then stop – the is useful for debugging
Once compiled, the program runs quickly, but compiling can take a long timePrograms will run more slowly because the code is being translated as the program is running
Differences between Complier and Interpreter

Integrated Development Environment: (IDE) a piece of software that provides features to help a programmer to develop their programs.

Integrated Development Environmental Features:

  • Code editor: This is where the code is written.
  • Run-time environment: This allows the code to be run quickly.
  • Explorer window: This is used to navigate through the program
  • Output window: – This shows the output of the program when ran
  • Line number & character number
  • Error Diagnostics and debugging tools: This helps to find and fix errors.
  • Auto-indentation – This is where the program will automatically indent the user’s code.
